About us

About Us

Done Digital Learning Platform


Our Vision 

Building a World Class Functioning Tanzanian Society (The Done Community)  

WHY: Provide Quality Non-Formal Education to Tanzanian Society to Help her Function.  

HOW: Through E-Learning Platform, One of Most Convenient Channel of Understanding, it Includes Animated Visuals and Video Lectures by Expertise and reputable coach thought Tanzania and outside.

WHAT: We are Bring Skill based and Carrier Growth Training in a convenient and affordable mode at your home place.



Contact us:

Mobile Number. +255 676613322

Mail: ujuzifursatz@gmail.com 

Dodoma Office:

Address:  Tanzania, Region Dodoma, District Dodoma CBD, Ward Kiwanja Chande, Postal Code 41115, Street Area D, Road Area D, Plot number 23, Block number E, House number 2.